BDNY 2017 – Best Design Events | Latest Design News, Upcoming Design Events

Best Design Events Selects the Must-Sees at Boutique Design New York

October 6, 2017

The Boutique Design New York is approaching at a fast pace, and, with it, comes a lot to see. The event has grown in the past years, attracting more attendants every edition. Best Design Events doesn’t want you to miss out on anything, so we’ve put together a selection of […]

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Three Exhibitions to Look Out for at the Boutique Design New York

September 29, 2017

The Boutique Design New York is a trade fair that is exponentially growing. It draws about 7800 hospitality designers, architects, purchasing executives, owners, and operators. The event will happen from 12th to 13th of November, at Jacob K. Javits Convention center, for the two days. With it, comes 3 exhibitions […]

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What You Should Be Expecting from the Boutique Design New York 2017

September 27, 2017

The Boutique Design New York is a trade fair that is exponentially growing. It draws about 7800 hospitality designers, architects, purchasing executives, owners, and operators. The event will happen from 12th to 13th of November, at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, for the two days. Now in its eighth year, […]

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