Reviewing 2014 Architecture Trends – Best Design Events | Latest Design News, Upcoming Design Events

Reviewing 2014 Architecture Trends

In 2014 we have watched some top trends that catched up architects, designers and builders all over the world.

Architects have to be as innovative as possible. They are the persons that can change the landscape and make our lives much more comfortable and easy. We introduce you then the top trends from 2014.

More integration with green spaces

With cities increasingly more populated, the need and demand for more green and energy efficient homes, architects have started to create designs with an ecological concern. They are integrating more green spaces. In 2015 Eco friendly houses were a common construction all over the world.

Architecture trends 2014

Minimalist Homes

Our house is seen as our escape from the world. In 2014 architects were extremely concerned with the energy issues. Homes were more spacious and without too many divisions. Interior designers designed  minimalistic spaces to create a more relaxed ambiance.

Architecture trends 2014

Prefabricated houses

Prefabricated houses are rapidly being used all over the planet. They can be built faster and easier. Builders can use very different methods to construct them and architects have a wider choice of materials. Modern engineering at its best.

If you don’t think that prefabricated houses are a good option just read the December/January issue of Dwell. It’s a great way for you to find more useful information about prefabricated houses.

Architecture trends 2014

Traditional home design

In 2014, Midcentury modern design continued to be the most common style however more homeowners are looking for a traditional home design. Architects and builders will faced an increase in the demand for this style of homes.

Architecture trends for 2014: what to expect in home designThese are some architecture trends that you can expect in 2015, and you can be sure that in the we will quickly be talking about them!

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