DEA+FuoriTrentino: design, inovation and territory – Best Design Events | Latest Design News, Upcoming Design Events

DEA+FuoriTrentino: design, inovation and territory

DEA+FuoriTrentino: design, inovation and territory

The appointment with the DEA FuoriTrentino FuoriSalone is this year in its third edition. After the success of previous years, the event has gained great visibility and defined a specific design scenario, which returns the identity of a territory as Trentino.

The initiative was possible by CEii Trentino and Trentino Sviluppo, under the scientific coordination of the Politecnico di Milano and the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento, who are preparing to welcome new consensus and to renew their productions in the space in Via Tortona 20.

The aim is to promote dialogue between young talent and design firms. DEA FuoriTrentino will be divided into two main parts, namely DEA with DEA Design for Trentino and an area of 7 projects with companies and a selection of craft products of 6 companies covering different areas of design, object-dall’outdoor wooden furniture, decorative craftsmanship.

DEA Fuoritrentino proposed a new initiative: ADesigner A Day, a contest which aimes to give more space and visibility to 5 selected designers that will be featured for a day of customizable area, between 17th to 21th April.

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